Legal Notice

Name of company: EPMF
Legal representative: Mr Loïc Léonard-Thiry
RCS: Compiegne B 348 387 333 00043
NAF code: 4669B
Tel. : +33 (0) 3 44 28 58 00
Fax: +33 (0) 3 44 28 58 01
Registered office: 111, avenue du General de Gaulle 60550 VERNEUIL IN HALTTE
Webmaster: EPMF

Personal data

See: Privacy Policy .

Intellectual property

The content of the site, its structure, the images and all the components of the website are the property of "Contactal" Any representation and / or reproduction and / or partial or total exploitation of this site, by any process whatsoever , without the express and prior authorization is prohibited and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L 335-2 and following ones of the code of the intellectual property.

Moreover, the links to the other Internet sites present on the site will not always be controlled in real time by "Contactal" and in any case "Contactal" will not assume any responsibility for their contents. , products, services, advertising or any other information found on the sites bound for these links